A crime family prepares for a birthday party.
K’wan focuses on a powerful, violent family in his latest urban thriller. The Kings live in a large home in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, but control a political and criminal syndicate in Manhattan's Five Points neighborhood. The novel takes place during a single day in which the family prepares for a birthday party for the matriarch, Maureen, that will also serve as an announcement by her husband, Chancellor, that he’s running for Brooklyn borough president. The book focuses on the couple’s three children: Ghost, a violent sociopath and gangster (“Men who ran afoul of him left the world of the living”); Lolli, a savvy and ambitious nail salon owner; and Shadow, a 17-year-old with ”little stomach for the family business.” Ghost spends the day taking care of the criminal side of his family’s business, while Lolli tries to convince a politician to endorse her father’s campaign, and Shadow goes in search of a missing family member at his mother’s request. It won’t surprise readers to learn that the birthday party, when it happens, doesn’t go quite as planned. K’wan is exceptionally gifted at ratcheting up suspense, and his dialogue rings mostly true to life. Some readers might be put off by the novel’s unending machismo, in particular two sex scenes that read like transcripts of male-fantasy porn clips (“Mike plowed into her like he was drilling for oil”), but there’s no denying the writer’s talent for dark, gritty fiction. It’s a page-turner.
Suspenseful, gritty, and (sometimes painfully) macho.