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by Kyla Zhao

Pub Date: Sept. 17th, 2024
ISBN: 9780593615867
Publisher: Putnam

For a seventh grade chess champion, does success take away from her love for the game?

May Li’s middle school chess team performed well at the California state championship and has earned a berth at Nationals. May, who’s Chinese American, even received a trophy for being the top female player! But her success sours her friendship with teammate Ralph Morris, her main competition for team captain. Ralph goes so far as to belittle her accomplishments because she’s a girl. As Nationals approach, May feels pressured to perform, which erodes her confidence and causes strife with everyone around her. Zhao captures the anxiety of a tween who’s juggling the expectations of adults, adoring new fans, and friends-turned-rivals. Fortunately, an unexpected friendship with popular soccer goalie Mario Cruz allows May to share her struggles with the pressure of success; their conversations also demonstrate surprising commonalities between soccer and chess. The chapter titles (for example, “Battery” and “Sacrifice”) are drawn from chess terminology and briefly defined, teaching readers about the game while reflecting the story’s progression. The supporting characters, both adults and peers, are well developed, and the chess games are thrilling. In her middle-grade debut, former competitive chess player Zhao explores gender bias as well as performance stress, and the book’s valuable life lessons will speak to anyone who’s lost their love for a pursuit.

An emotionally intelligent work that explores socially relevant themes.

(author’s note) (Fiction. 8-12)