In this illustrated collection of two short stories and one novella, which borrow elements of folklore, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, a life-altering kiss steers the lives of three teenage girls. Embarrassed by her Old World parents, high-school junior Kizzy knows all the tricks the goblins use to steal girls’ souls. But can she resist the charm of handsome new student Jack Husk when she’s never been kissed? During the British Empire in India, Anamique, cursed into silence by the Ambassador to Hell, yearns for love—but at what cost? The delectable language of these stories cannot save the sluggish pacing of the final novella, in which Esme wakes to find that one of her dark eyes has turned blue. As she discovers the cause, she also learns her connection to her mother’s tortuous past and the forest demons called the Druj. In the midst of these goblins, fiery gods and demons, Taylor reminds readers what makes them human. Holly Black and Melissa Marr fans will find this collection ripe for the tasting. Di Bartolo’s illustrations not seen. (author’s note) (Supernatural short stories. 13 & up)