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by Lamar Golden & Liana Golden ; illustrated by Izzy Bean

Pub Date: May 17th, 2023
ISBN: 978-1960976192
Publisher: Lamar Golden

A charismatic and friendly alien learns to become self-sufficient in Golden’s picture book about growing food.

On a vividly colored planet called Venesha, a blue-haired, human-like alien creature named Mordokai can never get enough carrots. He decides to plant a garden, first clearing the weeds, then planting the seeds for various fruits and vegetables. After a very fast growth cycle, Mordokai has vegetables to share with his friends. When the fruit trees grow, he harvests the fruit: “Mordokai made lemonade with the lemons. He shared it with his friends.” He decides that next, he’ll plant strawberries. There’s no real conflict in the narrative; the tale focuses on Mordokai’s patience while waiting for his plants to grow. The emphasis on sharing is made clear, but it’s never didactic—sharing is presented as a natural by-product of self-sufficiency. The simple sentences and accessible vocabulary make this a good choice for emergent readers, especially when accompanied by Eban’s vibrant full-color illustrations. The character designs for the aliens make them all look a little monstrous, but never scary, and Mordokai’s charming expressions—especially his puppy dog eyes when he can’t afford to buy carrots—are sure to have young readers rooting for him. The ending promises a sequel continuing Mordokai’s gardening journey.

Ideal for encouraging young readers to forge a better connection with the source of their food.