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A New Story of American Racism

by Laura E. Gómez

Pub Date: Aug. 25th, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-59558-917-0
Publisher: The New Press

A vigorous argument that Latinx people from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean exist as “racially subordinated” groups in a "multi-race hierarchy in which Whites continue to be dominant.”

Gómez begins by examining the exploitative American colonialist projects in Central America and the Caribbean that resulted in large migrations of people across southern U.S. borders. She then explores the concept of “mestizaje,” "the social and sexual mixing of Indigenous peoples, Africans and Spaniards" that helped shape attitudes among Latino people regarding their identities. In the 1940s, for example, the light-skinned Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo played up the Indian/Spanish (mostly white) ancestry of Dominicans to distinguish them from and elevate them above their mostly Afro-European (mostly black) Haitian neighbors. Such efforts to privilege whiteness laid the foundation for a Latinx acceptance of racism that followed them into the U.S. and, as Gómez shows later on, forced many multiracial Latinx people to seek "protection" from American racism by identifying as white wherever possible. The 1980 census marked the first time that multiethnic/racial/cultural Latinx peoples were grouped together under one identity. The author argues that attempts to categorize Latinos ethnically rather than racially is actually part of a dominant culture strategy to keep different Latinx groups apart from each other and apart from blacks and enlist Latinos in efforts to police the “the White-over-Black color line.” In this thoughtfully argued study, which draws from historical and sociological sources, Gómez provides much-needed insight into the true complexity of Latinx identity while revealing the ways in which the dominant culture continues to mask the many racist currents within American society.

An insightful and well-researched book.