The war between good and evil rages on in this sequel to The Delusion (2017).
After surviving a deadly school shooting, 19-year-old Owen Edmonds has devoted his life to saving the town of Masonville from the dark demon Molek and the unearthly creatures who carry out his sinister bidding. Together with his bubbly, beautiful girlfriend, Ray Anne, Owen looks for clues that will explain a rash of mysterious disappearances as well as why Masonville is still plagued by a dark presence. Owen and Ray Anne use their supernatural sight to visualize the shackles and chains of personal bondage that burden anyone who hasn’t surrendered to God. This ability helps them discern who’s on their side as they race to root out the source of the evil in their town. To complicate matters, a shadowy figure has begun paying visits to Owen’s apartment, and, despite warnings from his girlfriend and pastor, he’s intrigued by what the entity has to say. Owen often feels conflicted over what he knows the Bible teaches and what his heart desires, which causes friction with loved ones and undermines his mission. Some secondary characters are black, but most main characters are assumed to be white. Troublingly, there are several negative and stereotypical mentions of Africa that reference witch doctors, human sacrifice, and suffering.
A literal writing style and underdeveloped characters detract from an otherwise compelling concept.
(Christian supernatural fiction. 12-18)