Captain Pug (2017) found he wasn’t the best sailor. Maybe he’ll have more luck as a cowboy!
Young Lady Miranda is out in the garden at No. 10. The Crescent with her pug dog, Pug, and her stick horse, Pony, chasing away bandits (pigeons) when Pony suffers an injury (his stick breaks). Running Footman Will and Running Footman Liam and Wendy the housekeeper come to help. Lady Miranda decides she needs a new horse, and Running Footman Will and Running Footman Liam carry her in the sedan chair to do some horse trading. At the stable they meet Frank, a “real-life cowboy,” the magic-trick–obsessed son of the stable owner. Lady Miranda and Cowboy Pug test-ride Horsey, Frank’s old horse, and find themselves in the back of Frank’s father’s trailer headed for the Little Witherington County Fair. Frank and the Running Footmen set off in pursuit…but their pursuit catches the attention of Maud, a new police officer on patrol. When real-life cattle rustlers get involved and a runaway bull rampages through the fair, whatever will happen? James’ second chapter-book adventure starring Pug is another fun read, juxtaposing highly unlikely elements (livery-clad footman and a sedan chair!) against a modern English setting. Ceulemans’ three-color, cartoon line drawings of the little lady and her lazy pug reveal that the primary cast is white, though the England they inhabit is realistically diverse.
Loopy but fun.
(Fantasy. 5-8)