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POLAR BEAR MORNING by Lauren Thompson Kirkus Star


by Lauren Thompson & illustrated by Stephen Savage

Pub Date: Jan. 1st, 2013
ISBN: 978-0-439-69885-6
Publisher: Scholastic

Hooray, this companion to Polar Bear Night (2004) is as charming and attractive as its predecessor.

With the same spare textual sensibility, limited palette and blocky linocut prints, the story picks up where the first ended, with a new day and the freshness of morning. When a polar-bear cub awakens and peeks out at the snow, ice and blue sky, she hears the faraway call of sea gulls and clambers out into the day. She sets off across the snow and ice and meets a snow cub, nose-to-nose (literally). This is dramatically illustrated with a profile view of their heads and noses covering a full double-page spread. The pair frolic, climb, tumble and jump into the sea together—new friends. The deceptive simplicity of the playful graphic design masks great sophistication. Clever composition conveys the rambunctiousness of the cubs, while the many hues of blue showcase the background (even an underwater scene); two dawn-pink spreads surprise readers pleasantly.

It’s crystal clear, this is another winner.

(Picture book. 3-5)