This is essentially not a book to read, but a book to pray from, a book of Marian meditations to be used as practical devotional exercises. It is divided into four parts. Part I contains colloquies with the Blessed Virgin Mary of a somewhat prosaic and uninspiring nature, preceded by short, competent, but not profound, historical and doctrinal explanations and followed by appropriate poems and liturgical prayers, all in connection with the major and some of the minor feasts of Mary in the Catholic Church. Mind, imagination, affection, resolution and petition are exercised in each of the colloquies. Part II contains formal ""considerations"" followed by prayers relating to the various titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary included in the beautiful Litany of Loreto. Part III contains phrase-by-phrase meditations on the ""Hail Mary"", the ""Hail, Holy Queen"" and the ""Mignificat"". Part IV is devoted to the meaning and prayers of the devotion of Entire Consecration to Mary. There is nothing unusual about this book, but it should be helpful to those who find they have to rely upon such helps to meditation as this book can afford them.