In Moran’s historical fiction debut, two brothers’ mutual resentment turns them into brutal adversaries in 6th-century Britain.
Luca and his small family belong to the Dobunni tribe. His brother, Kennan, who’s only a year and a season younger, begrudges Luca’s apparent advantages, such as the education he receives at a monastery. But Luca is just as bitter; their perpetually angry father, Lucanus, unmistakably favors Kennan and reserves most disciplinary beatings for Luca. As the boys grow older, they unleash their hostility against each other in increasingly violent clashes. They’re at odds over a variety of things, including whose particular skills most benefit the family and, once they hit their teens, a girl named Bellica. Meanwhile, “foreign wolves” (tribes such as the Jutes and Saxons) have been taking land and ravaging neighboring villages. The Dobunni pin their hopes on a missing relic (allegedly, a martyr’s finger) that some believe will help them defeat the enemy tribes. This volatile climate may ultimately lead to a confrontation that one of the brothers won’t survive. The historical backdrop in Moran’s tale provides a dynamic setting; tension surges as the Jutes’ and Saxons’ continuing attacks inch closer to the Dobunni lands. But the focus is on the brothers, whose belligerence and savage fights foster a bleak narrative (“as my learning improved, I had less need of my brother’s shadow or the warmth of his shoulder against mine”). The novel is emotionally poignant as well, exploring each brother’s rationale (however misguided) and examining the relationships between Luca and his parents. Although many characters side with Kennan, some show Luca some much-needed warmth, including his younger sister, Minura, burdened with the impossible task of keeping peace between the brothers. The author’s black-and-white artwork brightens the pages with simple but affecting imagery, depicting the brothers facing off and a baby’s tiny hand clutching a thumb.
A blood feud in the long-ago past makes for an unforgettably heart-wrenching story.