“Once upon a bad hair day, a prince rode up Rapunzel’s way.” This opening line sets the stage for a thoroughly silly, modernized, and thoroughly fractured fairy tale written in rhyme. When the prince calls, “throw down your hair,” Rapunzel, armed with hair dryer and computer, hears, “throw down your underwear.” Which she does—followed by dirty socks for curly locks, silky dresses for silky tresses, cantaloupe for rope, pancake batter for ladder. Get the picture? When he calls out for her braid, she pushes out her maid, who lands on the prince and they fall in love and ride off together. The off-beat collage illustrations are as kooky as the tale, fabrics obviously used for clothing, but a mix of materials for flowers and shrubs. The rhyming device for the objects lends a participatory element for kids who already know the real version. And the twist on “happily ever after” spins a reality-based meaning on the phrase “falling for you” that kids should find funny. (Picture book/fairy tale. 5-8)