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LIMELIGHT LARRY by Leigh Hodgkinson


by Leigh Hodgkinson & illustrated by Leigh Hodgkinson

Pub Date: Sept. 1st, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-58925-102-1
Publisher: Tiger Tales

Larry the peacock finds adventure in... his very own book.

Quirks and mischief come at readers right away, with a riot of type styles and sizes, small figures in various shapes and colors filling the page, and the author's dedication to "Lana Banana" (a girl whose smiling photograph is surrounded by messages). Limelight Larry, a bright-blue peacock, announces that this book will be all about him and, because he is FANTASTIC, it will be AMAZING. But before he can explain how, an inquisitive mouse enters, followed by a bird, an elephant, bunnies, a bear with a picnic basket and, strangest of all, a tall wolf in a Red Riding Hood cape dragging a prop forest on a wheeled platform. These visitors set up an impromptu tea party; worse, they fill up the page. Larry can't believe it: They're cramping his style! He screams at them to leave him alone, then extends his beautiful feathers...a bright (and embossed) two-page spread. But then he realizes it's not much fun to show off all by yourself. Everybody else is gone and the background darkens to a deep, scary blue. Larry screams again, this time for help. In an instant, everyone is back. Lesson learned: It's much more fun to share.

Prereaders should be captivated by this cacophony of type and images, and they will certainly identify with the willful peacock.

(Picture book. 3-6)