As the Shamer series continues, great evil nearly destroys all the world’s hope. Apprentice shamer Dina and her family have taken refuge with the Highland Kensie clan. Agents of the evil warlord Drakan have infiltrated the Highlands. Some attempt to assassinate Dina and her mother; others try to provoke war between the clans; and wicked agent Valdracu captures Dina and brings her to his factory town of Dracana. Valdracu forces Dina to punish the townspeople with her shamer powers. Dina’s brother Davin is coming to her rescue, but he may not arrive soon enough to protect Dina from the misuse of these powers. Davin’s coming-of-age and adjustment to having two shamers in the family enhances an otherwise stock fantasy plot. Very much a midseries book, this entry isn’t a great standalone, but an exciting continuation that further develops the uncomplicated utter evil of the villains. (Fantasy. 10-14)