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A splendid, gentle introduction to environmental activism.

In this picture book from the Pulitzer Prize winner and her daughter, two youngsters embark on adventures.

Three relationships subtly unfold in this captivating tale: coyotes and their world, Diana and her grandfather, and other humans and Earth’s remaining wilderness. One summer afternoon, Coyote Pup’s aunt takes him on his first hunt. Close by, young Diana begins her first camping trip. Diana asks about this environment, new to her; Grandpa points out the wildlife around them and discusses their role as appreciative visitors. Pages alternate between the coyotes and the humans. For both young ones, the emphasis is on their senses, especially Coyote Pup’s keen nose and Diana’s sharp eyes as she spots prints and scat. Grandpa tells Diana that if there are too many deer and rabbits, the forest will be overrun; coyotes help keep things in balance by hunting these herbivores. Meanwhile, Coyote Pup encounters his first prey, a vole. Coyote Pup and Diana (who goes fishing with her grandfather) both fail at their first predations, and both compensate with wild berries; their parallel family warmth also connects them. Grandpa warns Diana against overfishing: "We take what we need and no more." Backmatter offers more information about coyotes and how to help them. Richly detailed paintings provide a vivid virtual forest visit and breathtaking close-ups of the coyotes. Diana and Grandpa present white; the coyotes are gloriously real.

A splendid, gentle introduction to environmental activism. (Picture book. 6-10)

Pub Date: Nov. 28, 2023

ISBN: 9780940719484

Page Count: 32

Publisher: Gryphon Press

Review Posted Online: Sept. 23, 2023

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Oct. 15, 2023

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It’s hard to argue with success, but guides that actually do the math will be more useful to budding capitalists.

How to raise money for a coveted poster: put your friends to work!

John, founder of the FUBU fashion line and a Shark Tank venture capitalist, offers a self-referential blueprint for financial success. Having only half of the $10 he needs for a Minka J poster, Daymond forks over $1 to buy a plain T-shirt, paints a picture of the pop star on it, sells it for $5, and uses all of his cash to buy nine more shirts. Then he recruits three friends to decorate them with his design and help sell them for an unspecified amount (from a conveniently free and empty street-fair booth) until they’re gone. The enterprising entrepreneur reimburses himself for the shirts and splits the remaining proceeds, which leaves him with enough for that poster as well as a “brand-new business book,” while his friends express other fiscal strategies: saving their share, spending it all on new art supplies, or donating part and buying a (math) book with the rest. (In a closing summation, the author also suggests investing in stocks, bonds, or cryptocurrency.) Though Miles cranks up the visual energy in her sparsely detailed illustrations by incorporating bright colors and lots of greenbacks, the actual advice feels a bit vague. Daymond is Black; most of the cast are people of color. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

It’s hard to argue with success, but guides that actually do the math will be more useful to budding capitalists. (Picture book. 7-9)

Pub Date: March 21, 2023

ISBN: 978-0-593-56727-2

Page Count: 40

Publisher: Random House

Review Posted Online: Dec. 13, 2022

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 1, 2023

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From the Stella Díaz series , Vol. 1

A nice and timely depiction of an immigrant child experience.

Speaking up is hard when you’re shy, and it can be even harder if you’ve got two languages in your head.

Third-grader Estrella “Stella” Díaz, is a shy, Mexican-American girl who draws pictures and loves fish, and she lives in Chicago with her mother and older brother, Nick. Jenny, Stella’s best friend, isn’t in her class this year, and Stella feels lonely—especially when she sees that Vietnamese-American Jenny is making new friends. When a new student, Stanley Mason, arrives in her class, Stella introduces herself in Spanish to the white former Texan without realizing it and becomes embarrassed. Surely Stanley won’t want to befriend her after that—but he seems to anyway. Stella often confuses the pronunciation between English and Spanish sounds and takes speech classes. As an immigrant with a green card—a “legal alien,” according to her teacher—Stella feels that she doesn’t fully belong to either American culture or Mexican culture, and this is nicely reflected in her not being fully comfortable in either language, an experience familiar to many immigrant and first-generation children. This early-middle-grade book features italicized Spanish words and phrases with direct translations right after. There is a small subplot about bullying from Stella’s classmate, and readers will cheer as they see how, with the help of her friends and family, Stella overcomes her shyness and gives a presentation on Jacques Cousteau. Dominguez’s friendly black-and-white drawings grace most pages.

A nice and timely depiction of an immigrant child experience. (Fiction. 7-10)

Pub Date: Jan. 16, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-62672-858-5

Page Count: 208

Publisher: Roaring Brook Press

Review Posted Online: Nov. 12, 2017

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Dec. 1, 2017

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