In this sequel to My Life in Pink & Green (2009), 13-year-old Lucy returns, industrious, resourceful and determined to succeed.
Instrumental in devising a plan to preserve her family's business with the creation of an eco-spa, Lucy is proud of her accomplishments. With development of the spa underway at their family pharmacy, Lucy is eager to immerse herself in the preparations. However, Lucy’s schemes for summer quickly go awry. Greenwald explores the myriad challenges in Lucy’s life with a discerning understanding of pre-adolescence, addressing universal themes that will resonate with readers. One of the many quandaries Lucy faces is her conflicting emotions surrounding her evolving relationship with buddy Yamir. Also, although Lucy proposed the eco-spa concept, the adults in her family have taken over the operation of the project. Despite these obstacles, Lucy diligently persists in her endeavors—surreptitiously attending a meeting designed to help owners of small businesses and continuing to seek out opportunities for the spa. Ultimately, when the opening-day plans are in jeopardy, it is Lucy’s clever ingenuity that resolves the dilemma.
Through Lucy’s perseverance and entrepreneurial spirit, Greenwald reminds readers that dreams are worth pursuing.
(Fiction. 10-14)