Thirteen-year-old Melody Bird faces several challenges in this sequel to Goldfish Boy (2017)—including a real puzzler hiding in a derelict house next to the local cemetery.
In an episode not just driven, but almost entirely populated by vulnerable characters, Melody wholeheartedly buys into the tale spun by notably reticent teenager Hal Vincent that he’s a secret agent using the old house as a stakeout. Why is she so naïve? Perhaps because she needs a little magic; not only has her OCD–afflicted friend Matthew Corbin taken to snubbing her in favor of hyperallergic frenemy Jake Bishop, but her mom has abruptly and secretly decided it’s time to move out of their neighborhood as they can no longer afford to remain there. Melody’s gullibility isn’t all that the author asks readers to swallow, as, without making the scenario sufficiently credible, she supplies Melody with clues that eventually lead to a startling discovery about Hal’s true history. In no time, she has helped Hal access the resources and support he needs, mended fences with Matthew, found a way to stave off the move, and helped save Jake from both a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction and a bullying teacher with major anger issues. By the time the tidy wrap-up rolls around readers may feel more relief than satisfaction. Characters read as White.
Mildly suspenseful but more a whirl of personal issues and interventions.
(Mystery. 11-13)