A novel of Ireland fifty years ago, before the wheels of progress ground down the earls beauties of bog and fen, and when it seemed possible to believe in a never-never land called Tir-nan-og, where youth and beauty were eternal. Two youths lived on the edge of the bog, and hunted snipe and geese, and built a dream world about themselves. Then came Civilization, and the demand that the bog be drained. The ""wise woman"", mother of one of the youths, set a curse upon the workers, and the Irish left in panic, but the English called her crazy and lot it go at that. But Fate played into her hands, and the story ends with a dramatic climax which defies realism in a grand gesture. An elusive tale, which seems to fall between two markets. The hunting plays an important part, and would have a very definite appeal to a male audience, were it not that Mr. Average Man would pooh-pooh the mystic side of it.