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IF YOU TELL A LIE by Lucinda Berry


by Lucinda Berry

Pub Date: July 23rd, 2024
ISBN: 9781662512629
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

A series of anonymous notes threatening to disclose the secret four women have kept for more than 20 years brings them together again, this time to create additional havoc.

In their different ways, Blakely Garner, Thera Grey, Grace Howard, and Meg Watson had all been misfits. They bonded at Camp Pendleton, a place for gifted children, with Blakely as their natural leader. Trouble arrived, or was revealed, in the form of tennis coach Jared Crosby, whose good looks made Blakely think she could use an apparently compromising photo Meg took of the two of them to make Clint, a fellow camper, jealous. The prank succeeded beyond everyone’s wildest dreams, and not in a good way. Clint swiped and shared the picture, Crosby got fired, and by the time the dust settled, his wife, Regina, was convicted of stabbing him 117 times and attempting to kill their twin babies as well. Now, 26 years later, someone claiming to know the sordid truth behind the story has written all four ex-campers, pulling Thera away from her work as a psychic and spiritual counselor, Grace out of her orbit as a supermodel influencer, and Meg from her marriage to Claire to meet at the plush Houston home of Blakely. Regina, it seems, has been granted parole, and she’s obviously learned who pushed her over the edge into murder. Or maybe, since this is another poisonous Berry special, that’s not so obvious after all, and the truth is even darker and more devious.

The hits just keep on coming. Be glad you’re a reader and not a character.