A boy spends special time with family at the beach in Mettler’s picture book.
The story opens with Gus waking up, enticed by the smell of a pancake breakfast. At the table, Gus realizes that Mama has looked especially tired since Gus and his sister Willa-Mae’s father died. The pair spend lots of quality time with Pops, their grandfather, at the nearby beach on weekends. There, they hunt for shells, which Gus loves, and he thinks about the special connection that he shared with his dad. After saving an urchin, Gus looks at other shells with characteristics that remind him of his family. A protective conch for Mama, a “White Baby Ear” for Willa-Mae, and angel wings for Daddy. After a snack, Gus and Willa-Mae find a beautiful scallop shell for the very first time before beginning a thoughtful journey home. Overall, this story is about living with and processing grief in everyday moments. It effectively explains the importance of holding on to happy memories of someone while also understanding that they’re no longer in one’s life. Eckstrom’s sweet watercolor illustrations ably convey the joy that the children feel when spending time with Pops. The text contains references to religion (prayer-like, God, Heaven), which may prompt questions and additional conversation.
An appealing story about remembering those whom one has lost.