A war correspondent provides a crucial account of the events leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, coup attempt.
“While they demonstrated their ability to attempt an insurrection…I have a hard time crediting them with the imagination necessary to conceive of one,” writes Mogelson, New Yorker staffer and winner of two National Magazine and two George Polk Awards, referring to the Proud Boys and other right-wing radicals who stormed the Capitol. The orders for that insurrection came from elsewhere, as a congressional investigation is now unveiling. Mogelson examines the uprising as the expression of a kind of free-floating White rage that he has been tracing over the last few years. His reporting has taken him to places such as Michigan, where, in 2020, thousands of Trump supporters, anti-vaxxers, and other dissidents attempted to shut down the state capitol while others plotted to kidnap and perhaps even kill the state’s Democratic governor, who “had recently extended a stay-at-home order and imposed additional restrictions on commerce and recreation.” The Covid-19 pandemic was one spark, along with “a raging blizzard of propaganda [that] would completely blot out reality.” The reality that Mogelson presents is unrelentingly bleak, culminating in a vivid, and frightening, blow-by-blow account of the assault on the Capitol, which he witnessed firsthand. By not declaring himself a member of the press, he was able to move among figures such as the so-called QAnon Shaman, “who was carrying out a highly specific and consequential mission, from which he would not be deterred”—namely, to reclaim the Capitol for God by bellowing “shamanic songs” to activate the electromagnetic ley lines along which D.C. was supposedly built. (His mission ultimately ended in a sentence of 41 months in prison.) Other participants were much less woo-woo, of course, earnest in their mission to overturn the election and, in the bargain, hang Mike Pence for upholding the Constitution. Mogelson recounts the chaos in consistently striking, memorable detail.
Essential for understanding the right-wing rage that boils across America.