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RAFI AND ROSI by Lulu Delacre



by Lulu Delacre & illustrated by Lulu Delacre

Pub Date: March 1st, 2006
ISBN: 0-06-073597-X
Publisher: Rayo/HarperCollins

It’s carnival time in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and two tree frog siblings celebrate in their second outing. In each of three chapters, big brother Rafi indulges an interest while pulling a fast one over on Rosi. In the first, Rafi gains more time to create his carnival mask by encouraging Rosi to make a costume—since she’s sure to win the contest for carnival queen. Inspired, Rosi gets to it, and before Rafi realizes, she’s arrayed and off to the judge, only to find out that she’s underage. She’s crushed and Rafi, remorseful, decorates his old wagon as a carnival float. Now Rosi can be “queen for a day” in her very own parade. Delacre affectionately depicts the brief conflicts and abiding love between this busy duo, adding appealing watercolor illustrations. While Rafi is older and savvier, the verve with which Rosi approaches the panoply of childish emotions will jibe with kids fresh from such mastery themselves. Most Spanish words are seamlessly integrated, but the glossary’s specific cultural information will require an adult’s intercession, as will the appended activities. An appealing sequel. (Easy reader. 6-9)