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God Of Dance

by Lynn Curlee ; illustrated by Lynn Curlee

Pub Date: April 9th, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-58089-800-3
Publisher: Charlesbridge Teen

The story of Vaslav Nijinsky’s life—onstage and off, in all its glamour and tragedy—unfolds.

Originally drawn to Nijinsky by photos of the ballet dancer in costume, Curlee (Trains, 2009, etc.) engaged in extensive research and details major events in Nijinsky’s life, beginning with his birth to traveling Polish performers and continuing through to his eventual confinement in various asylums and death in 1950. While much of the content focuses on Nijinsky’s art, both his dancing and choreography, time is also spent on his personal life. The text includes short biographical sketches of important artists, such as Diaghilev and Stravinsky, with whom Nijinsky crossed paths as well as explorations of Nijinsky’s romantic relationships and mental health. These discussions are frank, and though they never devolve into titillation, they do occasionally include questionable descriptions (“He was…what some would term stark raving mad”) and label Nijinsky’s sexual orientation using modern terms. Interspersed between chapters are stylized programs detailing various ballets that Nijinsky performed or choreographed, including descriptions of the ballet’s history and plot and paintings by the author. Quotations from contemporaries and occasionally the dancer himself breathe further life into the narrative. The photographs and illustrations add interest and points of engagement in what is an otherwise tragic tale of a brooding artist.

A glossy introduction to the highs and lows of Nijinsky’s life and work.

(author’s note, list of performances, source notes, bibliography, image credits, index) (Biography. 13-18)