The Wakey Bird is one of many unusual creatures in a rather amazing jungle.
As the name implies, these birds have difficulty falling asleep. They can’t get comfortable, they itch, their minds race with scattered thoughts, and every noise startles them. Fortunately there are creatures in this jungle whose main purpose is to help Wakey Birds sleep. The bee-like Soothing Shushers and the froglike Go-To-Sleep Leapers succeed with most of the Wakey Birds, but the littlest one poses a greater problem. Bored and lonely, she wakes the others, and they have so much noisy fun that they awaken Shrieking Monkey, whose deafening screams add to the cacophony and disturb the Dreaded Jungle Beast. Maybe Littlest Wakey Bird will become his snack! How the clever Beast solves the problem is fun for all little ones who love a good bedtime story. Frost tells the tale with joy and verve along with some grunts, sighs, peeps, yawns, and just the right amount of that uh-oh feeling when Wakey Bird cannot be quiet. The very colorful Wakey Birds are all big, expressive eyes, slightly reminiscent of Mo Willems’ pigeon and duckling. The night sky is royal blue, purple, and black, but there is never a lack of brightness or clarity, with stars and a full moon to light the action. A few well-placed backgrounds in shocking pink and bright yellow highlight the noisiest events, with onomatopoeic sounds filling many pages in block capitals. Little readers and their grown-ups might find a few cautionary hints regarding reluctant bedtimes.
Sweetly goofy.
(Picture book. 2-7)