An investment banking analyst dreams of becoming a yoga teacher, but that’s easier said than done.
Allegra hates her job. That’s not saying much, since everyone at Anderson Shaw, the most prestigious investment bank on Wall Street, hates their job. It involves pulling constant all-nighters, doing busy work at a moment’s notice, and working such long hours that a steady stream of caffeine is the only way to survive. But Allegra has a secret: Unlike her co-workers, she doesn’t dream of moving up the banking ladder and making a seven-figure salary. Allegra’s passion is yoga, and as soon as she gets her yearly bonus, she plans to quit Anderson Shaw, take a yoga training program, and become a teacher. The only problem is that her job is killing her. After one impulsive night away from the office leads to unknowingly sleeping with her new boss, Allegra’s at rock bottom—stressed, unhappy, and in awful physical shape from sitting hunched over a computer all day. That’s when she runs into her idol, an Instagram yogi named Skylar Smith. Skylar wants to help Allegra break out of her terrible job and into the world of yoga, but some of Skylar’s suggestions (such as fasting for 48 hours) actually create major problems for Allegra at work. Eventually, Allegra starts to realize that she doesn’t fully trust Skylar’s intentions, and she might just have to take more drastic action to get her life back on track. Debut author Henry has a background in both investment banking and yoga, and she imbues the story with believable and horrific details that perfectly illustrate how cutthroat and all-consuming the world of banking is (employees having seizures after working too long without sleep or passing out after overdosing on caffeine pills). Allegra’s work life is an endless stream of misery, but, luckily, on the page it’s much more entertaining due to her profane inner monologue that points out the ridiculousness she encounters in both the banking and yoga worlds.
A sharp and funny look at an unhappy woman’s quest to manifest a better life.