In the aftermath of The Revenant Games (2024), Bly searches for her sister, Elise, while the vampire Kerrigan seeks to make a deal with the witches to free his brother, Donovan.
The two are estranged because of Bly’s betrayal during the Games, which saved Kerrigan but damaged the trust between them by sacrificing Donovan. Their separate quests eventually lead them back into the woods, where they hunt for a magical root that could shift the balance of power between witches and vampires. Though they work toward the same goal, old wounds linger; Bly is consumed by guilt, and Kerrigan remains cold and distant. They discover that the forest holds dangers beyond those connected to the conflict between the witch and vampire cities, and they have encounters that lead to unexpected alliances. Secondary characters receive more development in this sequel, adding depth to the narrative. As before, however, a large portion of the book is spent in the vaguely described forest, whose poor development as a setting detracts from the story. Nevertheless, returning readers will be pleased with the neat resolution of the story’s open threads. The white-presenting leads are supported by a secondary cast of characters who are diverse in race and sexuality.
Fans of the first book will enjoy this duology closer that satisfyingly wraps up earlier plotlines.
(Fantasy. 14-18)