There's hair everywhere in this book because Moose just doesn't know how to control his gigantic mustache. Palatini (Piggie Pie!, 1995) has concocted scores of inventive ways for Moose to manage his ``moosetache''—everything from wrapping it around his neck and hanging it from his antlers to braiding it. Each solution trips him up worse than the last until he meets his match, the superbly coiffed Ms. Moose who shares her hairstyling secret—glue. They go wild, molding and tucking stupendous arrangements of hair, then skiing, cooking, and getting married with every hair in place. The playfulness between text and art make for a sophisticated romp; Cole creates hyperbolic spaghetti- like rivers of hair and bold bouffants. While kids will giggle at the absurdities, adults may raise an eyebrow at a scene of the couple's ``hot'' cooking. A riot. (Picture book. 2-5)