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CHANGEMAKERS by Maria Giudice


How Leaders Can Design Change in an Insanely Complex World

by Maria Giudice & Christopher Ireland

Pub Date: Jan. 17th, 2023
ISBN: 9781959029144
Publisher: Two Waves Books

A manual outlines an approach to executing change, highlighting how design principles can help develop an inclusive and dynamic process that is essential in the modern era.

The future needs assistance; a new approach to change is emerging; and design—in its broadest sense—is a key component, assert Guidice and Ireland. The authors have run design firms and consulted in the tech and consumer goods industries. In this book, they posit the need to move away from “outdated approaches” that are “traditional, siloed, hierarchical, and linear” and “anticipate that the next approach to change will be design-driven, and its leaders—at all levels and in a wide range of circumstances—will be changemakers.” These changemakers will be leaders who can view the future of communities, companies, and even countries as a design problem: “An opportunity space that can be clearly defined, intentionally studied, and reliably addressed.” Following an introductory chapter setting out this thesis, the volume outlines how to become this kind of changemaker, including clarifying your values to “guide your behavior, attract like-minded people, and steer group decision-making.” The work then proceeds to “Co-Creating Change” and engaging in activities to “Discover What’s Possible.” The manual encourages readers to learn from what works and what doesn’t and to keep “Evolving by Design.” The authors mention an assortment of useful design tools and practices, including the Double Diamond process (which emphasizes customer and stakeholder input in “Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver” stages) and the use of “comps” (which involves tweaks and/or a rejection of various options). Each chapter concludes with a “Takeaways” summary and a “Take it Further” reading list. The authors make a compelling argument that a social, design-driven approach is especially critical in a world where “unquestioning support has disappeared, along with the assumption of a positive trajectory.” While the theoretical and process details can be overwhelming at times, important help is found, unsurprisingly, in the book’s design, which includes graphics of the volume’s ideas and bold highlighting of its major statements and points.

A visionary road map offering insights, design concepts, and guidance to leaders implementing change.