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EVE'S DUCKLINGS by Maria Monte


by Maria Monte ; illustrated by Emelie Wiklund

Pub Date: July 1st, 2021
ISBN: 978-0-9875130-3-8
Publisher: Bonny Books

A child wants to interact with ducklings in Monte and Wiklund’s picture book.

Eve, a White child with brown hair, and Grandpa, a gray-haired White man, watch a family of ducklings on the lake. When Eve reaches out to touch them, they’re out of reach; Grandpa says, “Watch out for mother duck!” as that bird chases the girl away. The next day, Eve stumbles into the water when she tries to hug a duckling. She and Grandpa start going to a nearby playground, instead. Eve, discouraged, longingly watches the ducklings “dive, shake, and flutter their little wings” from a distance. Eve later tells Grandpa that she “won’t try to hold, pat, or hug any ducklings today. Instead, I will feed them.” She scatters seeds and the ducklings gather; Eve is thrilled. Later, an illustration shows the duck family snuggling under Eve’s fluffy hat. The story is pleasant and engaging, offering an essential lesson in cultivating curiosity while showing respect toward animals in their natural habitats, and youngsters will relate to Eve’s eagerness. The charming illustrations depict the lake, playground, trees, plants, a city skyline, and more. They also feature artistic, textured backgrounds, graphic swirls on the water, and patchy, scratchy blue skies. The images that show Eve’s multiple attempts to connect with the ducklings are especially adorable.

A well-illustrated and thoughtful intergenerational tale.