A poetic introduction to evolution, mutation, and the necessary reproduction to achieve both along the way.
Author Popova takes readers on a journey through time, beginning with the emergence of single-celled organisms and ending on another one-in-a-million chance: a potential future snail with a particular, rare recessive gene. Gentle, lyrical text briefly outlines the evolution of modern life on Earth before introducing Jeremy, a common garden snail with a rare left-spiraling shell, found by chance by a human scientist who had recently listened to a snail researcher on the radio. So begins Jeremy the snail’s path to the spotlight—with a few detours to touch on human politics, the concept of gender, and a floral metaphor or two about genetics. Tread lightly: The vivid and memorable (but never prurient) description of the mechanics of snail reproduction and the use of the scientific term hermaphrodite without discussion of the more polite ways humans might describe other humans (as opposed to snails) may produce some interesting family conversations. However, Zhu’s soft, opaque illustrations of life on Earth, prehistoric and modern, micro and macro, are sure to enchant readers of all ages. The oversized trim allows her to play up the snail’s tininess in long perspectives, and close-ups are luscious; both enhance the narration’s sense of playful awe.
A story as charmingly mesmerizing as a silvery snail’s trail on a summer morning.
(Informational picture book. 6-10)