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by Marianne Boucher ; illustrated by Marianne Boucher

Pub Date: Oct. 22nd, 2024
ISBN: 9781772621044
Publisher: Emanata

An anti-colonialist tale that’s also a love letter to the natural world.

The story unfolds on a rocky, isolated island where necessity and ingenuity have led to the creation of Kerpathics, messengers who make the dangerous trek between two villages separated by a waterfall. Sable has trained for a decade with her dad to become a Kerpathic, and she knows the island like the back of her hand. She’s counting on Blade, her goat best friend, to help her rescue lost travelers and bring people “news, medicine, and food.” But even though Sable saves a child during her first solo mission, she learns that her work comes with real risks. Meanwhile, on the mainland, people have heard rumors about the island. Naturalist Antone Krill and ship’s captain Smith take advantage of the king’s support for expeditions and set sail in search of the “distant island where they spin gold.” Krill is obsessed with naming a new species and views wildlife behavior through his biased understanding of power dynamics; he clearly wants to hunt and trap unusual species. When the foolish, arrogant men arrive, the villagers are welcoming, and Sable gets roped into being their guide. Still, the forest is a dangerous place, especially for those who don’t respect it. Boucher’s dynamic, original illustration style contains sharp angles that convey energy. The compelling story, illustrated in grayscale art, embraces a message of living harmoniously with all creatures. Characters present white.

Enjoyable and rich in themes and execution.

(Graphic adventure. 12-18)