How women entrepreneurs are creating tech-based solutions to enhance female well-being.
Women’s health issues have long been neglected by both medical science and society, and the taboos still surrounding the word vagina make frank discussions difficult. In this refreshingly forthright book, financial journalist Gerner explores how gutsy female innovators working in femtech—an emerging technological field that focuses on “maternity, birth, periods, sex, menopause, fertility, and contraception”—are disrupting a health care system built to the measure of men. Stigma and a lack of understanding of female bodily functions are just two of the many hurdles femtech entrepreneurs face. Perhaps the most daunting barrier, though, is finding money to fund projects, since almost 90% of venture capitalists are men. Despite these difficulties, Gerner shows that women entrepreneurs are building profitable companies that specialize in everything from smart bras, period-tracking apps, and AI-powered vibrators to a nonhormonal liquid contraceptive gel and user-friendly artificial insemination devices. Those innovators with a bent for social justice are using technology to create tools that assist rural and/or low-income females. Three who call themselves “Synergistic Sisters in Science” have developed an app to assist pregnant women of color monitor health indicators and find “resources and peer support” as more and more “maternity care deserts” emerge across the United States. Gerner’s personal passion for the subject is clear in the many interviews she incorporates throughout the book with entrepreneurs and femtech innovators from the U.S., Europe, and Asia. As it redefines the “archetype of female entrepreneurship,” her highly readable book offers hope for positive new ways of not only thinking and talking about female bodies but also improving health outcomes for women worldwide.
Energetic, thoroughly engaging reading.