What do cops’ wives do when their husbands are on the job? Get killed, it seems.
Meet the L.A. Flippers: Jo, Marisol, Marilyn, Julia and her mystery novelist mother Nora. Their company rehabs a house and puts it on the market after Nora uses it as a setting for her The House to Die For series. So far so good, until Jo is shot to death and a chunk of her hair chopped off, presumably taken as a trophy. Next to die are Julia and Nora, then Marisol. Is it open season on cops’ wives, or is a dissatisfied homeowner intent on doing in these particular helpmeets? Detectives Mike Lomax and Terry Biggs (The Rabbit Factory, 2006) feel pressure from the Los Angeles City Hall to bring the cases to a quick conclusion, but there are several plausible suspects, including Nora’s literary assistant, who may have coveted her bestseller status; Charlie, who became sole heir to the cool million Nora planned to bequeath Julia; and Marisol’s husband Tony, who’d been carrying a private eye on his tail ever since Marisol became convinced he was having an affair. A bevy of sarcastic ripostes later, Lomax and Biggs figure out who’s behind the killing spree. Alas, the denouement breaks up their weekly poker game.
Glib, trendy and not so much plotted as delivered in comedy-club one-liners, with an over-the-top final twist.