An optimistic approach to considering the dismal science and life in general may be an economist’s dream.
On the eve of a guest lecture she's set to deliver—to an audience whose identity is never fully revealed—economics professor Abby wrestles with thorny theoretical issues and a few problems closer to home. Having recently learned that she's been denied tenure, Abby ponders her family’s future (social and economic) as well as the opportunities and occurrences which have culminated in this night of insomnia in a mediocre hotel room. Worried about remembering all the points of her lecture on John Maynard Keynes’ 1930 essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren,” she uses the loci method of memorization and attempts to create visual associations between parts of her speech and specific locations within her family’s home. Accompanying her on the mental walk-through is Keynes himself (a circumstance that goes unnoticed by her sleeping husband and daughter). The essay in question is intimately entangled with Abby’s professional life and, perhaps, also her personal life, as Keynes argued for a certain optimism in the face of the “Great Slump” facing England at the time of its writing. Abby’s thesis is that rather than predicting a utopian sort of future for England, Keynes was using rhetoric to encourage alternate visions; unfortunately, her hypothesis leads neither to tenure nor a bestselling book. Keynes proves to be an amiable and encouraging companion on Abby’s tortured traipse through the memory palace she has constructed. Addressing her as “Abigail,” the revered economist urges her to liven up the speech with “pixie dust” details about his life and provides other clarifying advice as well in this unique novel of ideas.
A thoughtful and thought-filled stroll down a life’s Memory Lane.