A collection of affirmations to foster self-love in little ones.
The cover features two smiling Black children and a very proud pup surrounded by hearts—a hint at the joy to come within. Harrison, founder of the online community Dope Black Dads, has written a wonderful guidebook to empower youngsters and their caregivers and help them harness the power of words. Every day, a Black father sits his two children in front of a mirror and makes positive declarative statements: “Together, we say words to help us feel proud and brave, powerful and strong.” Each message is followed up with examples. On Monday, the children start the day by declaring, “I am brave!” One of the children recalls courageous moments, such as going down the big slide or reading a scary book. On Tuesday, they shout, “I am smart!” The child’s brother proudly lists his accomplishments, like his reading prowess and ability to make slime. Ewen’s bright, bold, charming illustrations complement the encouraging text. The book concludes with a list of additional affirmations, a note for caregivers from the author, suggestions on how to say the affirmations, information about Dope Black Dads, tips on how adults can read more with their children, and a discussion guide.
A delightful book to start or end any day.
(Picture book. 4-8)