This enjoyable supernatural time-travel story follows many of the conventions of romance novels, with its characters mostly drawn from English aristocracy (in this case in 1803) and an impossible romance with a drop-dead gorgeous young heir to a dukedom. However, modern readers need not cope with archaic language or conventions, as the characters speak in modern phrases, have mostly modern relationships and even adopt cute modern nicknames. Lady Victoria, known as “Tory,” discovers that she has magical talent, a devastating blow, as society strongly disapproves of magic in the aristocracy. Her secret revealed, her father sends her to Lackland Academy, which promises to drain her magic from her. Instead Tory finds kindred spirits there—and that luscious lord—who develop their magical talents in order to save England from Napoleon. Almost caught by school authorities, Tory stumbles through Merlin’s Mirror, which transports her, and later her friends, to 1940. There they work to control the weather as the English evacuate the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk. But can they all survive, even the handsome lordling? Well, it’s a romance novel. No one expects it to be plausible. Putney, an award-winning adult romance author, keeps the pace fast, adds a dash of suspense and shines a friendly light on history while providing plenty of entertainment in her first novel for teens. (Historical fantasy. 12 & up)