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BASKET MOON by Mary Lyn Ray


by Mary Lyn Ray

Pub Date: Sept. 1st, 1999
ISBN: 0-316-73521-3
Publisher: Little, Brown

A touchingly luminous tale based on true stories of basket- weaving families outside of Hudson, New York. Every spring a boy helps the men make baskets from tree splints and twigs. He yearns to accompany his dad to Hudson to sell the baskets, but it’s not until he turns nine that his father agrees to take him along. At first he’s overwhelmed by the sights, both indoors and out, but his trip is soon marred by the taunts of others, who call his people “bushwhackers” and “hillbillies.” Returning home, the boy feels ashamed of his family’s trade, and in a fit of anger, kicks over the piles of baskets in the barn. Big Joe explains how they must listen to the wind in order to weave their baskets. The boy realizes that his gifts are far more meaningful than the comments of bullies. Ray’s eloquent story is matched by Cooney’s poetic paintings, which are graced by moonlight or leaf-dappled sunlight. (Picture book. 4-8)