Murphy explores the delicate art of making new friends in this gentle preschool tale. Panda Foo’s friends, Jigger Bird and Boodle, are surprised to discover that he has included a new and unknown friend on their picnic outing. Murphy addresses the concept of welcoming and adjusting to a new friend with a straightforward simplicity that is entirely apropos for the preschool set. Jigger and Boodle’s unabashed curiosity regarding this new persona resonates with the piercing honesty that is the hallmark of those under a certain age. Murphy’s full-bleed watercolor illustrations echo the tranquility of the tale, with the pastel hue further evoking a calming sense of serenity. Her inspiration for the characters, including a baby boar, a panda and a blue sheep, are drawn from the wildlife of China. The friends’ matter-of-fact exchange and ultimate acceptance of their newest member makes this an excellent tale to share with young readers. (Picture book. 3-6)