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WHAT'S WHAT? by Mary Serfozo


A Guessing Game

by Mary Serfozo & illustrated by Keiko Narahashi

Pub Date: Sept. 1st, 1996
ISBN: 0-689-80653-1
Publisher: McElderry

A charmingly simple rhyming concept book from the team behind Rain Talk (1990) about opposite qualities that all culminate in one lovable creature. ``Ice cream is cold,'' ``Slippers are warm,'' and ``Shorts are short,'' but ``what's soft and hard and warm and cold and wet and dry and long and short and light and dark all at the same time?'' The answer is a puppy whose nails are hard, ``His nose is wet and cold . . . And he's soft and warm and dry.'' It's a grand surprise, and the illustrations of an affectionate brown- skinned brother and little sister add another dimension of gentleness and comfort. Rhyme, riddle, and art—this is a winner on all counts. (Picture book. 3-6)