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THE SAVAGES by Matt Whyman


by Matt Whyman

Pub Date: March 6th, 2014
ISBN: 978-1-4683-0856-3
Publisher: Overlook

Dinner with the Savages can be murder.

Sixteen-year-old Sasha Savage has a new boyfriend. Jack is a year ahead of her in school, but that’s not what causes a family controversy: He’s a vegetarian, and the Savages are…well, they’re cannibals. Ever since Grandpa was in the siege of Leningrad, the family has ritualistically, on occasion, feasted on human flesh, but they are always respectful to the source and waste as little as possible. Sasha’s father, Titus, was born and raised in England. He’s a predatory businessman; he orchestrates hostile takeovers of companies. It’s this practice that has private detective Vernon English tailing Titus. Then a model fatally falls prey to a prank directed at Sasha by her younger brother, Ivan. Vernon doesn’t know the specifics behind her disappearance, but he’s sure something more than illegal business deals is going on. Can Sasha introduce her controversial boyfriend to the family, and can they all keep Vernon from finding out the family’s culinary peculiarity? Making fun of foodies and vegetarians alike, this is neither a laugh riot nor a page-turning thriller, but readers seeking a little grisly diversion may be entertained.

Whyman’s British Addams Family of man-eaters certainly won’t be to everyone’s taste, but for those who like their humor very, very dry, it may just hit the spot.

(Fiction. 13 & up)