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THE METAVERSE by Matthew  Ball


And How It Will Revolutionize Everything

by Matthew Ball

Pub Date: July 19th, 2022
ISBN: 978-1-324-09203-2
Publisher: Liveright/Norton

A robust explanation of a “persistent, 3D, virtual world—a network of interconnected experiences and devices, tools and infrastructure, far beyond mere virtual reality.”

What is the metaverse? Over the past year or so, it has become one of the most buzzworthy topics in the tech world, but do we understand what it does and why it matters? Since “much of the tech community continues to dispute key elements” of the metaverse, consider tech maven Ball, CEO of EpyllionCo, former global head of corporate strategy for Amazon Studios, our knowledgeable guide on this journey of discovery. A foremost expert on the metaverse, the author defines and demystifies what has yet to materialize, encouraging readers to suspend disbelief and instead consider the concept as they did their early interactions with tech innovations such as touchscreens, app stores, and Zoom. Although not yet fully unified or conceptualized, certain elements of the metaverse presently exist in tech services such as video games and virtual reality systems. The author nods to tech grandparents like GE and Honeywell while noting the rise of NFTs, cryptocurrency, and blockchain, explaining how they function. Though it will be a long time before a fully realized metaverse becomes an everyday reality, once in place, it could be used in myriad ways to improve human life. “It’s rare,” writes Ball, “that the world’s largest companies publicly reorient themselves around such ideas at an early stage, thereby setting themselves up to be evaluated by employees, customers, and shareholders on the basis of their success in realizing their most ambitious visions.” The author lucidly lays out the background, current state of affairs, and fantastic possibilities for the future.

Readers will gain unprecedented insight into an otherwise insular aspect of the tech world.