Historical study of the resentful figures who helped take over one of the world’s oldest political parties.
Any student of American political culture is aware of the John Birch Society, and few can dismiss the impact of this fringe group on current national politics. Founded in 1958 by Republican Robert Welch, the organization laid the groundwork for Donald Trump’s capture of the Republican Party. From the beginning, Birchers have maintained a witches brew of hyperpatriotism, anti-communist paranoia, religious moralism, racism, antisemitism, violent invective, apocalyptic conspiratorial fantasies, and “raw hate.” In addition to an astute history of the John Birch Society, Dallek, a professor of history and political management and the author of Defenseless Under the Night and The Right Moment, examines its heirs, including Phyllis Schlafly, Pat Buchanan, Alex Jones, the tea party, and, of course, Trump. The author makes an irrefutable case that the JBS “did more than any other conservative entity to propel this extremist takeover” by Trump, et al. While written in the typical uninflected voice of contemporary histories, the book effectively demonstrates how one can “see, in COVID denialism, vaccine disinformation, America First nationalism, school board wars, QAnon plots, and allegations of electoral cheating, a movement from the 1960s, long thought dead, casting its shadow across the United States.” Though the “Birchers were hardly the only movement that helped to radicalize conservatism and the Republican Party,” Dallek credits the JBS with stoking the proliferation of “a host of canny successors that put extremist themes, ideas, and techniques into general circulation.” The author’s freshest discovery is that the Anti-Defamation League skillfully succeeded in infiltrating the JBS as “part of a sprawling, informal coalition seeking to discredit the Birchers”—even if it failed to eliminate the poison that continues to infect the GOP.
A timely, critically important contribution to the history of our present political and constitutional crisis.