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JUST LOOKING by Matthew Tree


by Matthew Tree

Pub Date: Dec. 22nd, 2022
ISBN: 9798366659079
Publisher: Self

In this novel, people in a near-future world clash with a hateful right-wing group operating in Europe.

Jim, a nearly 50-year-old Londoner, first hears of the Nous Sommes La France while enjoying his retirement on a cruise ship. NSLF is a xenophobic organization that’s singled out the Mashubians, immigrants that hail from Ukraine and Belarus. Jim sees the extent of NSLF’s hostility in the French town of Le Rayol when an anti-immigrant demonstration turns violent. Meanwhile, travel journalist Jean-Pierre, whom Jim meets on the cruise, covers the Mashubian story for a right-leaning newspaper. It’s just a job, as his political beliefs are the antithesis of the publication’s. He makes the dangerous choice to infiltrate the NSLF, certain it’s up to something even more sinister than opposing immigration. The journalist winds up in Jim’s hometown, where hate-fueled We Are England rallies are soon on the rise. Demands of repatriation in France, Britain, and elsewhere spur riots as well as targeted assaults. Jean-Pierre struggles to unravel the two groups’ mysteries, including WAE’s enigmatic, never-seen founder. Tree deftly pairs humor with this novel’s hard-hitting commentary. A public speech on climate change, for example, blames some of the carbon dioxide emissions on “farting cows.” But characters against immigration are undeniably loathsome racists whose despondent message is akin to real-life groups around the world. Much of Jim’s first-person narration as well as Jean-Pierre’s corresponding letters to his love, Helen, teems with clear-eyed political discourse and rhetoric. The author also delivers an abundance of vivid passages, like this one about Jim’s early morning walk in France: “The small-hours light was mucky as dishwater, and the remnants of the night were on the narrow streets of the old town.” As the engaging story unfolds, a few surprises pop up, from something a scientist devises for the WAE and NSLF to a startling revelation involving the Mashubians.

A diverting, intelligent fusion of black comedy and political thriller.