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by Megan Bannen

Pub Date: July 2nd, 2024
ISBN: 9780316568258
Publisher: Orbit

Two middle-aged law enforcement partners finally fall in love in this slow-burn fantasy romance.

Twyla Banneker hasn’t had a date in the 13 years since the death of her husband, Doug. That’s not to say she hasn’t been busy, though. In that time, Twyla has built an illustrious career as a Tanrian Marshal, the people’s guardian and the undead’s bane. Now, a year after another marshal purged the undead drudges from Tanria, she and her partner, Frank Ellis, find themselves reduced to monitoring children’s water-pony rides. Following a dragon attack and the curious case of the dragon hatchling that attaches itself to Frank, mother-duck style, a visiting professor and dracologist shows up—with a major interest in taking the self-professedly "frumpy" Twyla out. Only after she accepts his offer of a first date does she learn the truth: Everyone, from her friends to her own children, thinks she and Frank are an item. But the two of them are just friends...right? Cue the will-they-or-won’t-they shenanigans as the marshals investigate what brought the supposedly extinct dragons out of hibernation. Bannen delivers a quippy and fun fantasy rom-com here. Although some of the dialogue tags feel a bit ham-fisted, the conversations themselves are crisp and well thought out. Readers who picked up the series’ previous installment will almost certainly have an easier time acclimating to Twyla and Frank’s world, where the cars are amphibious inventions called “autoducks” and people distinguish between the Old Gods and the New. The first few chapters may read headily to newcomers, as Bannen pulls no punches when introducing these concepts in rapid succession, but readers who can go with the flow will soon uncover a delightful story worth every minute of their time. Fans of cozy fantasy will find a lot to love here, from glitter-breathing, poodle-esque dragons to a down-to-earth romance between two middle-aged heroes on the brink of retirement.

Seriously, the dragons breathe glitter. What more could you want?