A trio of rule-breaking women keep San Remo County Deputy Sheriff Buddy Steel on his toes.
Buddy’s still fighting the attempts of his father, ALS–stricken Sheriff Burton Steel, to appoint him acting sheriff and ultimately anoint him sheriff in his place. But he’s called back from his sabbatical jaunt away with friend-with-benefits Jordyn Yates when the house where he was raised becomes the latest victim of a high-tech burglar who effortlessly circumvents home security systems and cracks the safes inside. His father is so upset and depressed that Buddy quickly agrees to return as acting sheriff, refusing the title but taking on the responsibilities. Those responsibilities extend from figuring out how the burglar operates to intervening personally when another burglary turns into a hostage crisis, overcoming and arresting the well-born burglar and hostage taker, Jeffrey Brice, and ascertaining that the brains behind all those break-ins is a woman. In short order, Buddy finds himself tangling with both Jill Nelson, the apparent hostage who disappeared shortly after her rescue, and Catalina Sanchez, the cybersmart daughter of Los Perros cartel leader Chuy Sanchez, and seeking help from Quinn Anthony, the barely legal cybersecurity consultant who has the hots for him and doesn’t mind telling him so at every opportunity. As usual in this fast-paced franchise, Brandman’s more interested in action than mystery, and the biggest riddle isn’t whodunit but how Buddy will deal with Jill, Catalina, and Quinn. Fans will likely be satisfied with all three of his solutions.
The perfect substitute for that good-time trip to California you’ve decided not to take after all.