A new generation of superheroes is back in this second installment of a promising trilogy (The Awakening, 2007). Ten years later, these teens are coming into their own superpowers, but it is not clear what is expected of them…by their families, their friends or the public at large. What is clear is that they still have enemies looking not only to discredit them but to destroy them. Can they rise to the challenge? Will Danny launch a new global war as was prophesied…or will he and his friends succeed in changing the future? Will Colin take after his father and become Kid Titan…or something completely different? This middle volume gets off to a slow and somewhat muddled start, which will be confusing to those who haven’t read the first. But once it gets going, this is a non-stop ride that gathers momentum right up to the cliffhanger of an ending. Straight out of the comic-book genre, this is a fun and involving story that promises to have a bang-up third installment—can’t wait! (Science fiction. 9 & up)