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I'M SORRY by Michael Ian Black


From the I'm Books series

by Michael Ian Black ; illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Pub Date: Aug. 31st, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-5344-1588-1
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

A potato apologizes to a flamingo.

We don’t exactly know what Potato said to Flamingo, but we know it was hurtful enough for Flamingo to be sad and Potato to feel awful about it. The White, pigtailed child who has rounded out the trio in such previous humorous social-emotional titles as I’m Bored (2012), I’m Sad (2018), and I’m Worried (2019) works on resolving this conflict, emphasizing to Potato that he needs to apologize and that giving Flamingo a sandwich or disguising himself as a cowboy won’t do the trick. Of course Potato apologizes, and of course Flamingo accepts after emphasizing how hurtful the comment was, but the resolution feels unearned. We never learn what, exactly, Potato said to Flamingo. It’s unclear why Potato feels gut-wrenching remorse but is unable to apologize given that a more-common reaction is denial or justification. The conflict seems straightforward and one-sided rather than reflecting the messy realities that come when children (or anyone) hurt each other’s feelings. And the end gag with penguins feels extraneous rather than integral. Apologizing well is a hard and important skill to learn, and this theme comes with countless possible interpretations. Black’s addition is well meaning but adds little complexity to the challenging concept.

Sorry, but this is not the best in the series.

(Picture book. 4-8)