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by Michael Jecks

Pub Date: Nov. 2nd, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-78029-122-2
Publisher: Severn House

July 1556. A maladroit assassin returns in the latest adventure of Jack Blackjack.

Blackjack, who fell into the job of killing those who opposed Elizabeth’s claim to the throne, is on the run. Fearing that Queen Mary is after her cousin’s supporters, he leaves London, planning on going abroad, but ends up in deep trouble in a small town in Devonshire. After he wins a goodly sum at dice from a miner, the loser ends up dead in the stables, and Jack’s purse goes missing after he’s hit on the head. Jack, a cowardly dandy with a high opinion of himself and a quick tongue that usually gets him out of trouble, is easily framed as the killer and becomes enmeshed in the fighting among the moorland miners, a local outlaw gang, and the townsfolk, most of whom seem to want him dead. The coroner seems at least willing to listen to him, but the dead miner’s son is not so accommodating. The tavern-keeper’s wife is a sly minx who’s having it on with the stableboy and knows more than she’s willing to say. Jack must use his wits and smooth tongue if he’s ever to discover the real murderer and escape an area he finds entirely beneath his dignity.

An amusing mystery replete with historical tidbits and fascinating local descriptions.