Imported from Britain, small concept books featuring the pooch known to toddlers from Kipper (Little, Brown, 1992), Kipper's Toybox, and Kipper's Birthday (both Harcourt, 1992 and 1993). Opposites features contrasting pairs such as new/old (a just- unwrapped, inflated ball vs. a pile of flat, chewed ones), up/down (a squirrel runs up and down the sides of a tree), and long/short (a long, smooth stick is chewed into little ragged pieces). Weather shows Kipper relishing the weather, whether frolicking in leaves, splashing through rain, or wearing a trash-can lid as a helmet in a hailstorm. These are a tad more sophisticated than others of their ilk, but follow the usual form of one word in large type per page on heavy stock, with ebullient paintings of the adventuresome canine surrounded by plenty of white space. Also in the series: books of Colors and Numbers (0-15-200647-8, 0-15-200646-X). (Picture book. 1-3)