Is that new owl in the garden live or a fake? An intrepid field mouse methodically finds the answer.
When the garden where they love to socialize and chow down acquires a scary new guardian, the mice flee—all but Scampers, who wonders why the owl never moves…not when a rag-doll mouse is temptingly waved about, not when Scampers marches by as a one-mouse band, not even when clobbered by first an egg and then a rock flung from an “eggapult” constructed with help from faithful foil Nibbles. Just to be sure, Scampers hauls off to the nearest woodland to “try this stuff out on another owl,” which behaves very differently. No doubt about it: time to write up their findings (on a poster, with lots of glitter) for presentation to the field-mouse community (“So the vegetable garden owl is a fake owl!”) and lead a charge back to the land of plenty. But when Scampers turns around, only Nibbles has come along. “Well, sometimes a new discovery is so amazing that others need a little time to accept it.” Zechel doesn’t depict a feasible eggapult, but she gives her furry, bright-eyed investigators plenty of personality via anthropomorphic expressions and gestures. Allegra piles on the backmatter, recapping and explaining each step of Scampers’ research, adding info-bits about owls and field mice, and closing with STEM enhancement activities.
A buoyant tale of scientific enquiry fueled by a proper mix of curiosity and courage.
(Picture book. 6-8)