This addition to Ashley's Chronicles series of Arthurian tales comprises 19 new stories, 4 reprints, 190251, and an afterword in which Marion Zimmer Bradley and Parke Godwin discuss their own and other Arthurian works. Otherwise, the knights themselves (often the more obscure ones) take center stage in stories mostly based on traditional sources, including: Gereint and the hedge of mist, Sagremor's African origins, Tor's fight with Abbo (Abelleus), Lionel the irrepressible, Bedivere and Vortiporix, Blamor vs. Tristan, Brandiles vs. Gawain, Yder vs. Abbadan the troll, the Brown Knight Without Pity, Villiers the Valiant, Fergus of Galloway, and Pelleas and Nimue. Worth a browse for Arthur's faithful legions.